What is the Capital City of Venezuela?

According  to Countryaah, Caracas is the capital and largest city of Venezuela, located in the northern part of the country. Known for its vibrant culture, historical significance, and economic importance, Caracas is a bustling metropolis that plays a central role in the nation’s affairs.


Caracas is situated in a valley of the Venezuelan coastal mountain range (Cordillera de la Costa), at an elevation of approximately 900 meters (2,953 feet) above sea level. The city is surrounded by mountains, with the Cerro El Ávila, a prominent peak, dominating the landscape to the north.


Caracas was founded on July 25, 1567, by the Spanish explorer Diego de Losada. Throughout its history, the city has been a focal point of political, economic, and cultural developments in Venezuela. It played a crucial role during the Venezuelan War of Independence and has grown into a modern urban center over the centuries.


As the economic heart of Venezuela, Caracas is home to the headquarters of major banks, industries, and corporations. The city’s economy is diverse, encompassing finance, manufacturing, and services. However, in recent years, economic challenges have affected its growth and development.

Map of Caracas


Caracas boasts a rich cultural heritage, with numerous museums, theaters, and cultural centers. The city is known for its vibrant music scene, including traditional Venezuelan music, salsa, and contemporary genres. Festivals and cultural events are common, reflecting the diverse influences that have shaped Caracas.

City Facts

  • Area: 777 square kilometers (300 square miles)
  • Population: Approximately 2 million (city proper), with a metropolitan area population of around 5 million
  • Time Zone: Venezuela Standard Time (VET), UTC -4
  • Highest Mountain: Cerro El Ávila, 2,740 meters (8,990 feet)
  • Longest River: Guaire River

Major Landmarks


Caracas is home to numerous landmarks that reflect its historical, cultural, and architectural heritage. These landmarks are not only significant to the city’s identity but also attract tourists from around the world.

Plaza Bolívar

Plaza Bolívar is the central square of Caracas and a focal point of historical and cultural activities. Named after the liberator Simón Bolívar, the square features a statue of Bolívar and is surrounded by important buildings such as the Caracas Cathedral and the Municipal Council.

Panteón Nacional

The National Pantheon is a mausoleum that houses the remains of prominent Venezuelans, including Simón Bolívar. It is a symbol of national pride and an important site for commemorations and historical events.

Parque Central Complex

The Parque Central Complex is a prominent example of modern architecture in Caracas. It includes residential, commercial, and cultural facilities, with two skyscrapers that were once the tallest in South America.

Teresa Carreño Cultural Complex

This cultural complex is one of the most important venues for the performing arts in Venezuela. It includes theaters, concert halls, and exhibition spaces, hosting a variety of cultural events and performances.

El Ávila National Park

El Ávila National Park, also known as Waraira Repano, is a natural landmark that offers recreational opportunities and stunning views of the city. The park is popular for hiking, bird watching, and enjoying the natural beauty of the region.

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo

The Museum of Contemporary Art in Caracas is one of the leading art museums in Latin America. It features an extensive collection of modern and contemporary artworks by Venezuelan and international artists.

Parque del Este

Parque del Este, officially named Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda Park, is a large urban park that provides green space, recreational facilities, and cultural attractions. It is a popular spot for locals and visitors to relax and enjoy outdoor activities.

Climate Overview

Caracas has a tropical savanna climate, characterized by relatively consistent temperatures throughout the year and a distinct dry season. The climate is moderated by the city’s elevation and proximity to the coast.

Month Average Temperature (°C) Average Precipitation (mm) Average Sunny Days
January 19-27 20 26
February 19-28 15 24
March 20-28 18 25
April 21-28 45 23
May 21-28 85 20
June 21-27 110 18
July 21-27 130 17
August 21-27 120 18
September 21-27 105 19
October 21-27 95 21
November 21-27 65 23
December 20-27 30 25

Other Cities as Capitals in Venezuelan History

Throughout its history, Venezuela has had several cities serve as the capital before Caracas became the permanent capital. Each city played a significant role during its time as the capital.

Coro (1527-1577)

Coro was the first capital of Venezuela, established in 1527. It served as the administrative center during the early years of Spanish colonization.

Overview of Coro

Coro is located in the northwestern part of Venezuela, near the Caribbean coast. It is known for its well-preserved colonial architecture and historical significance. The city is a UNESCO World Heritage site due to its unique blend of Spanish and Dutch architectural styles.

Historical Significance

Coro was the starting point for many expeditions into the interior of South America. Its strategic location made it an important port and trading center during the colonial period.

Modern Coro

Today, Coro is a small city that retains much of its historical charm. It is a popular destination for tourists interested in colonial history and architecture.

El Tocuyo (1577-1578)

El Tocuyo briefly served as the capital of Venezuela from 1577 to 1578.

Overview of El Tocuyo

El Tocuyo is located in the western part of Venezuela, in the state of Lara. The city is known for its agricultural production, particularly sugarcane and coffee.

Historical Significance

El Tocuyo was an important administrative center during the early colonial period. Its brief stint as the capital was part of the Spanish efforts to establish control over the region.

Modern El Tocuyo

Today, El Tocuyo is a regional center with a focus on agriculture. It retains some historical buildings and is known for its traditional crafts and local cuisine.

Caraballeda (1578-1583)

Caraballeda was the capital of Venezuela from 1578 to 1583.

Overview of Caraballeda

Caraballeda is a coastal town located near Caracas. It is part of the Greater Caracas area and is known for its beaches and recreational facilities.

Historical Significance

As the capital, Caraballeda served as an administrative and economic center. Its proximity to the coast made it an important port for trade and transportation.

Modern Caraballeda

Today, Caraballeda is a residential and tourist area. It is popular for its beaches and offers various recreational activities, including water sports and golf.

Santiago de León de Caracas (1583-Present)

Santiago de León de Caracas has been the capital of Venezuela since 1583.

Overview of Caracas

Caracas, as detailed earlier, is the political, cultural, and economic hub of Venezuela. It has grown from a small colonial town to a major metropolitan area.

Historical Significance

Caracas has been at the center of many significant events in Venezuelan history, including the War of Independence and various political and social movements.

Modern Caracas

Today, Caracas faces challenges such as economic difficulties and social issues but remains a vital part of Venezuela’s identity and development.

Country Facts

Venezuela, officially known as the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, is a country located on the northern coast of South America. It is known for its diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and significant natural resources.


Venezuela is bordered by Colombia to the west, Brazil to the south, Guyana to the east, and the Caribbean Sea to the north. The country features a variety of landscapes, including the Andes mountains, Amazon rainforest, Llanos plains, and Caribbean coastline.


  • Population: Approximately 28 million
  • Largest City: Caracas, with a metropolitan population of around 5 million


  • Total Area: 916,445 square kilometers (353,841 square miles)

Political Structure

  • Government Type: Federal presidential constitutional republic
  • President: The head of state and government, elected for a six-year term


Venezuela’s economy is heavily reliant on oil exports, with the country possessing some of the largest proven oil reserves in the world. Other significant industries include agriculture, manufacturing, and mining.


  • Currency: Bolívar Soberano (VES)


  • Official Language: Spanish
  • Other Recognized Languages: Indigenous languages

ISO Country Codes

  • ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2: VE
  • ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3: VEN
  • ISO 3166-1 Numeric: 862


Venezuela’s culture is a blend of indigenous, African, and Spanish influences. This diversity is reflected in its music, dance, cuisine, and festivals. Venezuelan culture is also shaped by its history of colonization, independence, and political changes.


The Venezuelan education system is divided into primary, secondary, and higher education. The country has several prestigious universities, including the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) and the Simón Bolívar University (USB).


Venezuela’s healthcare system has faced significant challenges in recent years, including shortages of medical supplies and personnel. Despite these issues, efforts continue to improve healthcare access and quality for the population.


Venezuela’s transportation network includes highways, railways, and air travel. Major airports include Simón Bolívar International Airport in Caracas. Public transportation in cities like Caracas includes buses, metro systems, and taxis.

Natural Resources

Venezuela is rich in natural resources, particularly petroleum, natural gas, gold, and minerals. The Orinoco Belt is one of the world’s largest oil reserves.


Venezuela is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, with numerous national parks and protected areas. It is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, including many endemic species.


Venezuela offers diverse tourist attractions, from the beaches of Isla Margarita to the world’s highest waterfall, Angel Falls. However, tourism has been impacted by political and economic instability in recent years.


Baseball is the most popular sport in Venezuela, with the country producing many Major League Baseball (MLB) players. Other popular sports include football (soccer), basketball, and volleyball.

International Relations

Venezuela is a member of various international organizations, including the United Nations, Organization of American States (OAS), and OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries).

Environmental Issues

Venezuela faces environmental challenges such as deforestation, pollution, and the effects of climate change. Conservation efforts are underway to protect the country’s natural habitats and biodiversity.

Future Outlook

Venezuela’s future is shaped by its political, economic, and social dynamics. Efforts to stabilize the economy, improve living conditions, and promote sustainable development are key to the country’s progress.

These comprehensive sections provide a detailed overview of Caracas, Venezuela, its history, major landmarks, climate, other historical capitals, and country facts.

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